This is the Message Centre for Jane

Hiya, Jane!

Post 1

Tallulah B

Good to see that you've dipped a toe in here, too - I think that I may find it a dangerous place, no curfews and all sorts of stuff to look at!

T xx

Hiya, Jane!

Post 2

DeeKay Bee

Hi Tal (hi Jane)

It seems that quite a few of us are dipping our toes in the water. I wonder if there are any dishy life guards in case we get in too deep?

Hiya, Jane!

Post 3

Tallulah B

Yep, intrepid aren't we?

I have missed huge chunks of the discussions in ML - do you know is there a firm-ish date for the ML change-over?

Also, I was thinking that, if it'll be a while before the ML change happens, it might be worth suggesting that anyone who signs up here/POV etc might like to include the word Mustardland in their 'About Me' info so that all of our pages show up in a simple search here (that's for folks who want to be 'found' anyway).

It was only when I did a search on Mustardland that I realised that I'd only written ML on my page - now duly amended. This may seem blindingly obvious to everybody else, but it can't hurt to suggest it, surely?

T xx

Hiya, Jane!

Post 4

Tallulah B

Oops, DeeKay, I also meant to say - lifeguards? Well, we were never short of emergency services personnel when we needed them in TBU in the olden days...

< sigh > < nostalge >

T xx

Hiya, Jane!

Post 5

DeeKay Bee

Hi again Tal

I don't think that we have been given a changeover date, when I said that summer rang a bell with me, someone (could have been Peet) said 'well not in the next 2 weeks' or similar!

I've just been to have a look and I've got Mustardland in my bit.

I'm frantically adding anyone who looks familiar to my friends list, apparently we don't need permission but I hope that you don't mind that I've added you

Hiya, Jane!

Post 6

Tallulah B

No problem re: the friends list - I haven't started mine yet!

of course, that'll be another way of finding other MLers, checking folk's friends lists.. I reckon I will post in TB and Lockin to suggest the 'search' thing.. anything that might make life easier, eh?

T xx

Hiya, Jane!

Post 7

DeeKay Bee

I've only just started my list, I'm trawling for unsuspecting MLers!

I don't know if everyone will come in here, the new ML will be more like the POV set up so you don't actually need a h2g2 thingy (I could be wrong on that, I'm trying to filter out the salient bits of what I see, but as I don't understand most of it it's a bit hit and miss)

Hiya, Jane!

Post 8

Tallulah B

- true, I'm just looking for ways to make life easier, and identify other MLers who have made it over here!

Hiya, Jane!

Post 9

DeeKay Bee

I wonder when (if) Jane is going to make an appearance in her thread, can you imagine if they sent us somewhere where we had to think in straight lines?

Hiya, Jane!

Post 10

Tallulah B

...sorry, DeeKay, you got me with the 'thinking' bit there - it's all got too technical for me already smiley - winkeye

Yes I know that's a smiley - I don't mind them personally. I think they're fine if not over-used, really.

T xx

Hiya, Jane!

Post 11



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