This is the Message Centre for Dusty Substances

Er...feel a fool, here goes!

Post 1


Is this ML's Dusty? (gulp) If not I am really really really sorry....

I will hang fire on what I want to ask you in case you are not who I probably think you probably are...

OOoooo it is all getting a little extensential.

Gulp again

Litchick x

Er...feel a fool, here goes!

Post 2


Here goes again.

I still hope you are Dusty of ML, however, I did have you momentarily confused with somebody else, I am sorry, it's been a long day! I don't have a specific question to ask you...

Litchick leaves hanging her head in shame.

Sorry smiley - sadface

LC x

Er...feel a fool, here goes!

Post 3

Dusty Substances

Hello poppet! Tis me, but I am not logged on very often so there is often a delay. Can't get my head round this, I am blaming my hormones. Dx

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