This is the Message Centre for Dusty Substances

I probably am who you think I am

Post 1


But what if you are not?

I probably am who you think I am

Post 2

Dusty Substances

Hiya gorgeous! Dx

I probably am who you think I am

Post 3


Hiya smiley - biggrin

this is all very strange here isn't it? and we all thought ML was confusing! lol

When ML comes over is it still going to look like ML or will it look like that?

Anyway, fiddle to that, how are you? hope you are ok

luv QB xxx

I probably am who you think I am

Post 4

Dusty Substances

Not bad poppet, apart from the back but I'm hoping that will be feeling better very soon. You? Dx

I probably am who you think I am

Post 5


Sorry to hear about your back, D, I do hope that you are feeling better soon!

Hope its nothing too serious! [hug]

luv QB xxx

I probably am who you think I am

Post 6

Dusty Substances

I'm actually feeling much better now. Thanks. Dx

I probably am who you think I am

Post 7


Well I am very glad to hear that you are feeling much better smiley - biggrin

luv QB xxx

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