This is the Message Centre for Anne-Marie

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Post 1

Dusty Substances

My goodness AM, this is baffling isn't it? Dx


Post 2


Hi Dustysparkle! What a lovely name - you are glittering! Agree about baffling indeed. I'm just counting on the fact the we won't really need to be involved in the h2g2 stuff and will just go about our business an the MBs.

Have you added anyone toyour friends list? I don't know if I dare? What is the etiquette? Do you need to get permission from the person first? Gosh this all feels a lot more intimate than ML - I'm assuming others aren't seeing this because it's a conversation.


smiley - cake MFCfriendly of course!

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Post 3


Hello, Dusty and Anne-Marie.

Not sure if I've got this right. I'm now going to try to write something in my "personal space".

Eilis xx

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Post 4


Hi Eilis!

You have got it right!

All abit strange isn't it - unnerving yet exciting! Change is never easy but I'm sure we'll all cope eventually. It's probably quite good that we are are dipping our toes in at the same time - safety in numbers and all that!


PS off to see if you've had any success with your personal space!

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Post 5

Dusty Substances

Eilis, Ann-Marie ... hello there.

Thank you for the cake AM. I can't get over those googly eye things? WTF are they for?

I see you can post without previewing.

Tell you what, I will try to get you two onto my friends thing and we can see what happens. Deary deary me. Dx

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Post 6


No idea about the eyes, I'm afraid!

have you done the friends thing yet? Shall we all be friends? Gosh if we have a spat we can remove people from our freinds lists!! Perhaps DNA has it's advantages!! (winky emoticonsmiley - winkeye)


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Post 7

Dusty Substances

I think the googly eyes mean we are on line!

I keep toying with visiting the POV boards to see how it works, but I don't know what I'd say when I get there.

I'll pass on the spat, if that's alright. Hate them. Dx

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Post 8


Re eyes - Good detective work!Or have you read a FAQ page? So that means you're not online as I write this reply.

Agree re spats. Hate arguments and confrontation altogether - unless with a family member - somehow that's different!

I shouldn't be visiting any boards as I am supposed to be revising for my finals. Heard today I've got a job interview on 14th April. It will be irrelevant if I don't pass these exams!

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Post 9


I'm going to try to make you two friends as well if that's OK. Still feel like I'm groping about in the dark. Peet gave me a bit of help but I have to have more lessons, I think.

Love 'n hugs

Eilis xxx

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Post 10

DeeKay Bee

Hi Dusty

you are being brave, I notice that you've ventured onto the POV bit!

I'm sure that we'll get used to all this (maybe)

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Post 11



Now altho you adressed your message to Dusty, I get it as well - and presumably Eilis too as she has been in the conversation too! It's going to take some getting used to. It's
good that people are starting to familiarise themselves with the workings of h2g2.

Good to see you anyway!


A Few answers for you

Post 12

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Anne-Marie - I have left you an ACE greeting on your space with a link to a "help" page I have made up - it should help. I will do the same for dustysparkle and Eilis smiley - biggrin

A few answers to the questions you have both posted above
1. Friends list - no need to ask - we are a friendly lot and like to have lots of friends so just add away - you will receive notification when that person posts to their journal - and you can always take them off your list at any time.

2. Everyone on h2g2 can see every conversation - so there are no secrets here smiley - laugh That also means that there are no private conversations ... anyone can jump in (just like I am doing now) You should read the <./>HouseRules</.> They're not too strict really smiley - smiley

3. The eyes do indicate who's on line - well done picking that up smiley - ok

4. Do wander around and look at other conversations ... there's no need to add something if you don't want to - no one can see you "lurking" but if you want to join in - go ahead no one minds smiley - biggrin

5. When someone adds to a conversation threads everyone participating in that thread is notified on the conversation list on their home page.

Hope all that helps ... go to the New Researchers link I have left you all it will all become second nature to you all before you know it smiley - cheers

smiley - peacedove

PS Just noticed that Eilis has already been welcomed by Peet - that's great - all under control?

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Post 13

Dusty Substances

Hi DKB - I am trying to be a brave soldier here. I am really not coping!

This is all very whizzy and geared up to the younger person I think. I am, as you know, in my prime and have a bit of an allergy for smileys. I could also do without my archive being dredged up for posterity.

Anyhow ... Feisor has just very kindly contacted me and I've asked for some help. I seem to have 2 'my pages'. If I get any more when TA goes on stream then I think I will cry.

I can't for the life of me see how our boards will function as they do in this environment but I hope I am wrong. Dx

you are never too old to learn

Post 14

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

"This is all very whizzy and geared up to the younger person I think"

Please believe me that there are all age groups here and help is always around if you need it. Take your time ... there's no rush

I know that you don't like smilies but have a smiley - tea anyway.

A hint: to find out what the smilies are saying simply hover your mouse over them and a little label appears - easy!

you are never too old to learn

Post 15

Dusty Substances

I think I may given the impression that I am in my dotage now! (Actually in my 40s which may be the same thing).

I think the problem is that the current TA boards are so terribly straight forward and you don't have to keep whizzing about to know what is happening, particularly in what we call Time Order (see latest messages). This enables one to follow and participate in all the threads that are happening by simply refreshing the page. This allows conversations to grow and divide organically, but you can still witness the whole process.

I'm not convinced this is going to be the case with DNA - for instance I seem to have about 4 'threads', but I have to do them one at a time. Do you see what I mean?

When people bemoan the possible loss of character and community when the change happens, I think this is what they mean.

Thank you for the tea, but I don't think I'm going to be won over to smileys, even if I know what they mean. Dx

you are never too old to learn

Post 16

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Yes ... I see what you mean but your "threads" are all updating all the time

Every time someone posts after you, the thread will be refreshed on your page.
If you hit the "posted" link it will take you to the last time that you posted in the thread (good for checking what's happened since then) If you hit the "last reply" it will take you to the last post in the thread.

You might try changing your "skin" - in effect the background of your page - if you hit the Preferences button you can change the background - you may find alabaster a little easier but experiment with them and see.

You can also keep track of your POV conversations from there.
Another hint: when starting a thread use a subject line - it's easier to keep track of things.

I hope that you will "hang in there" - there are some really nice people here - I'm sure that you'll enjoy it.

If I'm not on line (I'm in Australia - different times etc) ask another <./>ACE</.> for help.

you are never too old to learn

Post 17

Dusty Substances

I appreciate that the threads do update, but in the Archers time view you see them all at the same time and you don't have to keep going from one to the other .... we often have a dozen or more on the go and having a separate 'thread' box for each one would be a nightmare. I might miss something, or more likely just give up which would be a pity.

I think you are being terribly patient and kind (particularly as you are in Oz and must be all over the place timewise) but I think I may be trying to fit a pint into a quart pot and having too much else going on to throw me. I'll see how I get on. Dx

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Post 18

DeeKay Bee

Hi Denise

I'm sure(ish) that we'll get used to it!

We may need help from our small people, but we'll get there. At least nobody had mentioned us having to get married today!

Keep your pecker up and keep twinkling

BTW isn't it about time you threw yourself off some large building again?

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Post 19

DeeKay Bee

Hi Anne-Marie

Just think how daunting it would be if we'd not come over en masse, at least we can hold each others hands (there's probably an emoticon for that somewhere)

It will take some getting used to, though ML will be more like the POV board type thingy rather than here, I think


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Post 20

Dusty Substances

If I don't get the hang of this, DKB, my need to throw myself off a large building may return unexpectedly! Dx

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