This is the Message Centre for Sea Nymph


Post 1

Small Town Girl


I've posted in Peet's other Mustardland board from home, but never from work - where I am now - so don't have the link. I started a thread last night, then got interrupted, so am feeling guilty that I'm not there to see who's been kind enough to reply. Can you let me have the link please? I would have asked Peet, but he's not logged on here yet today as far as I can tell.


Buy you a drink for the help.smiley - smiley



Post 2

Sea Nymph


I never look in h2g2 except to clear out my 'stalker's file' of conversations, so if you hadn't mentioned it in The Bull I'd have never found you here.

Anyway the info you want is this

hope that helps.


Post 3

Small Town Girl

Lovely, thanks.

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