This is the Message Centre for Tallulah B
just askin
Tallulah B Posted Apr 13, 2005
Hi there... yes I can imagine that Mustardland would be a rather bizarre reference for anyone who hasn't been there
Mustardland, or ML, is the collective nickname for the messageboards relating to Radio 4's The Archers - the nickname stems from the mustardy yellow background of the webpages. You may run into a few MLers in hootoo, as a number of folks have signed up here to get their heads around (and give feedback to the hosts regarding) the functionality of the DNA based community areas, cos ML is migrating to DNA later in the year.
In case this has you wondering whether the users of the ML boards spend their entire time discussing tractors, sheep-dipping and the like, I should explain that one of the boards is dedicated to discussion of the programme itself, while the others are:
a) a general discussion and off-topic board (The Bull)
b) a board for quickfire party posting and general silliness (The Bull Upstairs)
c) a board for regular interest groups to meet incl. dieting/fitness, book club, writers, gardening.... (The Village Hall)
d) Fantasy Archers for fanfic, parodies etc.
e) Notes and Queries, which does what it says on the tin
Well, you had to ask - hope this helps
T xx
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just askin
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