This is the Message Centre for Tallulah B

mustard land

Post 1


Tula! I've found you. Haven't left an entry of my own yet but I thought I would say hello! rosiep x smiley - biggrin

mustard land

Post 2

Tallulah B

Hi Rosie honey! smiley - biggrin

Looks as tho a lot of peeps are coming exploring today... especially lovely to see you, tho!

T xx

mustard land

Post 3


Still confused!! but I'm getting there. Havent seen you about much. All ok?

mustard land

Post 4

Tallulah B

Yes thanks, just getting on with stuff, really.

Since TBU went off-the-boil (well, it did for me) I guess my posting rate has gone down drastically. I tend to look in on TB in the evenings, but I've never really been a 'regular' in there! And some threads feel really hard to get 'into' if I wasn't around when they started.

Hope you're doing OK, love.

T xx

mustard land

Post 5


I know what you mean ~ I started upstairs and didn't venture into TB for ages. Its all changed now. I post on POV (TV) and Jeremy vine on R2. I'm OK really thx ~ had 5 treatments now so 1 to go then radiotherapy. Keeping on Keeping on!! smiley - smiley xx

mustard land

Post 6

DeeKay Bee

Hi RosieP

Aren't we a merry little band? smiley - bubbly

I seem to remember that I was the first person to reply to you (could be wrong), but I think that it's been decided that we probably don't need to get married, so that's ok smiley - winkeye

mustard land

Post 7


Phew!! and Hi! x smiley - biggrin

mustard land

Post 8

DeeKay Bee

You don't need to look QUITE so relieved!

smiley - bravesmiley - brokenheartsmiley - tongueout

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