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Books & elections

Post 1


Just finished Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. I liked it. Gosh, I've just realised how bad I am at reviewing books...umm...the characters were well drawn...the final scene was very poignant...the casual racism was powerful...a bittersweet evocation of the American Dream. Yeah, so that's that.

Next on my list (partly inspired by being here) is The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. Looking forward to this, it is of course, completely remiss of me that I've never read it before.

Nothing much happened today, another slow one. I found out that a guy I accidentally 'dumped' by text is showing up at a party I'm going to this week, great! That'll be nice and awkward then. I attended a committee meeting for a local community centre, quite dull though I learnt alot about the neighbourhood. Compared all the general election flyers we've got through our postbox, always good for a laugh. Discovered that one of my housemates fancies prospective candidate Nick Clegg and another fancies Andrew Marr, crazy people. I feel like I should develop a thing for someone connected to the election, unfortunately I find them all unfanciable (sp?), won't lose sleep over that!

ciao for now


Books & elections

Post 2


Keep us posted on the dumped-by-text guy. Awkward!

Books & elections

Post 3


Will do, the party's on Friday so I guess I'll see what happens then. I think I'll get very drunk on cheap white wine before I see him, that'll make me more poised, elegant and over-him won't it?


Books & elections

Post 4


Expect plenty of cheap white wine and you will certainly do something over him! It may be that says it all!

smiley - bubbly

Books & elections

Post 5


er how did you accidently "dump" someone by text - did you send a message to the wrong person? Sorry - being nosey - you don't have to reply! It's just I'm always a bit paranoid about who I'm about to send a text to - nothing like a panic after you've pressed the send button!


Books & elections

Post 6


Ooh cheeky!

Books & elections

Post 7


Hey ya, glad u enjoyed OMAM, the edn is very sad, u should rent the film as it is v good, its got John Malcovich in it.
So who was this guy you dumped by txt?? Thats crule jen evan by ur standards!!
tee hee

Books & elections

Post 8


It wasn't so much of a dump by text if I'm honest, just more of a kind of severe brush off after a date. He said it'd be good if we met up again soon and I kinda said 'Yeah well whatever, take it or leave it', I wrote it when I was in a bad mood! I assumed that was that but he texted me last night about the party on Friday so he doesn't seem to hate me at least. All a bit bewildering,


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