This is the Message Centre for Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Started conversation Apr 6, 2005
Welcome, welcome, welcome, to the wonderful site of H2G2 (other wise known as hootoo - you will see this word a lot). I am an <./>ACE</.>, and I'm here to help you settle into your new home
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Have a look around, pop into my personal space and read some conversations that I have on the go at the moment and you will see how things work. Don't be frightened to jump in on conversations, hootooers don't bite (well, some of them do, but I'll steer you well clear of those), just be aware of the thread you are reading and whether or not it is a private conversation between two people.
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Remember, I'm here to help.
lil xxx
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 6, 2005
hi there and thanks for the welcome, i have been here before but it was a few years ago, i have been on tour with my circus for two years and have managed to settle down with the family for a bit and its nice to be back, i could not remember my login from last time so thought i would start anew, i must say i cannot wait for the film, i know it will be different but what can we expect from wallywood?
kaptin kipper
ps i use firefox browser, how do i do smilies again
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Apr 7, 2005
Look below the reply box and click the smiley you want.. and there are plenty more here:-
If you like a smiley you have seen elsewhere, place your mouse over it and it will tell you what it is called... you just type < somersault > inside the < > brackets..(without the spaces)..
lil xx
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 7, 2005
Thankyou, I don't know how i could have forgot that but anyway i am
now i can do it again
and or
or both or even a
or all three as a way of thanks.
kaptin kipper
krispy kustard
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 10, 2005
hi there, can you help me out? i cannot seem to find anyone discussing the new film, i have found loads of other stuff, even some of my old postings but nothing about the new HHGTTG movie, can you help?
i am one of the waiting for years and years for this and want to find any discussions on it,
any advice would be great
kaptin kipper
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Apr 10, 2005
As it hasn't opened here in the UK until next week.. it is possible that nothing has been discussed..
you could contact this researcher if you like:-
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 10, 2005
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 10, 2005
Ah ha, we are so lucky, from what i here we are getting it here in uk a week before the usa, i do hope so as it will make a change.
my son and me have been counting the days
kaptin kipper
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 10, 2005
Glad you are going on the opening date, i will try myself
It's my sons 10th birthday this weekand i have promised him i will take him next week if the rating is ok for him to go, if not we will have to use our skills as stage artists to make him older, it is his right to see this
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Apr 10, 2005
I think it is a PG rating and I have just heard that our esteemed Bernadette Lynn has been to see it tonight.. so we might be in for a treat in the next couple of days, if she puts in a Guide Entry about it or even into the post this week!
lil xx
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 10, 2005
yup sounds right to me, pg rating, the tv ads have not shown the rating though and she is a very lucky person to have seen it early.
seen some photos in the guardian prostenic vogon geltz (exchuse spealing?)will not frighton my kids, i reckon my 5 year old daughter is up for it too, she has had the entire trilogy in five parts read to her as a bedtime story while we were touring france and spain last year,
she likes arther dent but slartibartfarst is her favorite, she has also seen the tv version on dvd and thought it quite good but i think she will like the film more.
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Apr 10, 2005
If you have the patience you will find snippets in the back issues of the post.. and Jimster did put up some pictures a while back.. you would need to be very patient to try to find them ..
lil xx
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 10, 2005
I will have a nose around haha
i must say i am a bit apprehensive, in 1995 the judge dread film came out and as i started buying 2000ad comic in 1977 (and still do aarrgghh how much money have i spent? still have em all though) where he comes from, i went to see the film, very diapointed, sly stolone even took off his helmet, never in 27 years has he in the comic, but still i went thinking it would be like the comic
on the hhgttg film front i am ready to take it as it is , as the radio, books and tv were all different so the film will be another dimension i guess,
thankyou to DG for h2g2 and all that is within, or outside his asylem, i only wish he was here to see it in person but i guess where ever he is, magrathea or where ever he will be watching.
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 10, 2005
Oh I do I have all he has written and even written and produced a childrens circus show based on the book, "Pipsqueaks guide to the galaxy" all about the begining of life the universe and everything in the eyes of a roaming circus salesman, we even had a mr and mrs god!!the childrens circus was called circus pipsqueak and ran for nine years, that show was a sell out at the annual christmas performance in 1994 in lewes sussex
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Apr 10, 2005
It is lovely to see someone with such an enthusiasm for DNA.. I have only read the first HHGG.. and then my eldest took it with her when she left home
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge Posted Apr 10, 2005
you must read the other four books, it realy is worth it, the things you don't know about, oh fenchurch, the rain god oh i could go on, but go you, get your hubby to buy the omnibus edition, you will love it
i do read other stuff, but i run 3 websites, 2 busineses and have a family and live on the road 6 to 8 months a year, so i seem to go back to DNA a lot, have you read dirk gentlys holistic detective agencyby DNA? there are two books, very funny
this time of night is my only quiet time, and i spend it on the net mostly between here now and 3 other forums oh how sad am i?
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Apr 11, 2005
I have vague memories of having read a Dirk Gently book, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was about
It was so many years ago, and I don't think I even put the two names together. Most of what I know about DNA is from here.
Key: Complain about this post
Welcome Kaptin Kipper
- 1: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 6, 2005)
- 2: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 6, 2005)
- 3: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 7, 2005)
- 4: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 7, 2005)
- 5: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 8, 2005)
- 6: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 10, 2005)
- 7: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 10, 2005)
- 8: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 10, 2005)
- 9: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 10, 2005)
- 10: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 10, 2005)
- 11: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 10, 2005)
- 12: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 10, 2005)
- 13: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 10, 2005)
- 14: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 10, 2005)
- 15: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 10, 2005)
- 16: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 10, 2005)
- 17: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 10, 2005)
- 18: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 10, 2005)
- 19: Kaptin Kipper- Kannot say the letter B U mean C Karky, Kettle, Kippling, King's Bollage Bainbridge (Apr 10, 2005)
- 20: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Apr 11, 2005)
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