This is the Message Centre for Eilis

hi Eilis

Post 1

dean volecape

Sorry you feel you're getting flak on the other place for coming here and testing the place out. I'm not quite sure what the problem is. Obviously THIS isn't what any of us would hope for in the 'new mustardland' but surely coming here and finding out what's what will enable informed and constructive criticism and comment rather than panic.

Oh well - 'cultural' difference again I suppose. Was struck by your comments re the smoking ban.

Best regards from one tim to another (odious term!)

hi Eilis

Post 2


Hello, dean

Thank you for that! I don't understand what's going on. The reference to Angela Brazil may not have been right (you would know better) but I feel like I'm one of the Four Marys who's been getting friendly with Mabel and Veronica, "Why are you speaking to them?" "If you're speaking to them you're not in our gang?" Honestly.....

I think sometimes it is cultural differences. I could say more but shouldn't.

Anyway, I'm not a great fan of huge pages of emoticons but I've found the odd lovely thing. So, in the spirit of your "nom de plume".......

Love and best wishes

Eilis smiley - peacedove

hi Eilis

Post 3

dean volecape

The dove is beautiful! maybe we could make the odd exception to the emoticon ban.

Though it reminds me of the time in the 1980s when my mother was supervising a student doing their teaching practice in one of RI's few official non-denominational schools and the headmaster insisted on her waiting in his study till he got 'that pigeon [his term]' out of the cupboard to show her.

Couldn't agree more about the impenetrability of the way the battle lines seem to be forming at the moment. I find it hard to get too involved - I've fought harder fights about more important issues, and have tried to learn when to accept change as inevitable. I suspect that many of the more 'pragmatic' posters have had their own RL struggles - whether through unions or politics or personal circumstances.

Oh well - all experience is experience!


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