This is the Message Centre for Eilis

hello, you!

Post 1


Eilis, hello - I hope I'm leaving a message to you, but I'm a complete tyro here. Anyway, as you rightly say, I'm sure we'll all get used to it, and it's a challenge for the grey cells, which can only be a good thing. Cheers, Gaye

hello, you!

Post 2


Hello, Gaye!

I was looking around for you earlier. I'm going to add you to my "friends" if you don't mind. I'm not sure if that means any more than being able to nosey in on your conversations with others!

As I've said somewhere else I'm still confused but not as confused as I was yesterday!


hello, you!

Post 3


Hey, it worked! I've added you to my "friends" list, too. I still can't quite figure out (a) how you find people if you don't know what they call themselves here, and (b) where you actually have a conversation. This feels like popping round to each other's houses rather than gathering in the Bull! Gaye

hello, you!

Post 4


I think the Bull Outhouse might be the answer although not quite like TB. Have you been there yet? I've put a link to it on my "personal space".


hello, you!

Post 5


Yes, I took a look in the Outhouse, and must attempt to add a link. So much to learn... Gaye

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