This is the Message Centre for Eilis


Post 1


Hi Eilis, I hope you are well. It's all a bit swish and funky over here isn't it? I still miss the colour of mustard tho... I'm going to add you to my friends list if that's all right. Take care,

Niff smiley - smiley


Post 2


Of course you can and I'll do the same. It will take some getting used to but I hope we'll be OK in the long run.

Eilis xx


Post 3



Found you Eilis

I'm putting you on my friends list too, hope you don't mind.

If you go to my space thing there is a link to a kind of central point thing that Peet's created to help us all find our way around. Just click on the sheep in my profile thing and it will take you there.

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