This is the Message Centre for Eilis

Just seen what is going on in ML

Post 1

Tallulah B

.... and took a quick look on Peet's site too.

I think the prophecies about the alternative sites leading to divisiveness are starting to be proven right, sad to say. However, I've not come here to dwell on it, just to leave a 'chin up', a hug and a stiff drink smiley - stiffdrink if you'd like one, next time you check in here....

Tal xx

Just seen what is going on in ML

Post 2


Hello, Tallulah.

Thanks for the thoughts and the drink!

I did sign up to both alternatives the first day they opened but have stayed away since then. I've made my reasons clear to all.

I know I rarely post in here but I do keep an eye on my discussions page so I found your post straightaway.

Eilis smiley - peacedove

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Just seen what is going on in ML

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