This is the Message Centre for C_Loake

Hello C_Loake....

Post 1


.....and welcome to h2g2 smiley - smiley I am an Assistant Community Editor (or ACE) - there are loads of us hanging around on h2g2 - and we welcome newcomers, and offer our services as helping hands and as guides smiley - smiley Sso if you have any probs with, or questions about, the site then click 'reply' below and tell us all about it smiley - smiley We shall do what we can to make your entry to h2g2 as smooth as poss smiley - smiley So, when you say food, are you going to describe how to make it, or what it tastes like, or both? Well, got to dash, so until later.........
BCNU - Crescent

Hello C_Loake....

Post 2


Thanks for the message. I have written some restaurant reviews from a recent trip to Rome A407828 which it would be good to have included in the Edited Guide.

In time I might add some food of my own... are recipes and hints of interest then?

Bye for now, C.

Hello C_Loake....

Post 3


Yes, definately smiley - smiley I will go and have a wee shuftey at your article smiley - smiley Until later.....
BCNU - Crescent

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