This is the Message Centre for The Krylma Leader

Hello KL!

Post 201

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

Thank you.

Hello KL!

Post 202

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea rolls her eyes*

[sea] well, i'm there, and i'm proud of it. besides, you guys weren't using it....

Hello KL!

Post 203

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*Bows. Uppercuts. Dusts hands. Smiles.*

Hello KL!

Post 204

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K jumps in front of HP, blocking his way]

[Y2K] I do, however, take great exception to you hitting my Apprentice!

Hello KL!

Post 205

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

At ease, Darth Corrigible.

Hello KL!

Post 206

The Krylma Leader

Uncle Heavy, may I remind you of your situation? You are standing in Krylma Mountain. It's crawling with my minions (not to mention a few very nifty security devices). As long as you're on the tour, I do recommend you taking a more polite tone with my zealous underilngs. BTW, CHOPPERS could have something like this. Just have Affy install it for you. CLI isn't a STUMPED front, after all.

*KL walks to an escelator, which rapidly descends*

Okay, get ready for a long ride. This thing goes all the way down to below the mountain.

Hello KL!

Post 207

Lord Byancbaldich a.k.a. Ancba, posting as Flopsy the Catrabbit coz he's in the Unknown Regions

Of course. [follows]

Hello KL!

Post 208

The Krylma Leader

*The escelator continues to descend. They pass several floors of mazes, caves, laboratories, game rooms, bars, intergalactic greeting centers, and other various places. Passing troglodytes wave as the tour progresses*

As you can see, I rent out Krylma Mountain to Troglodyte and Dwarvish miners, along with other buisinesses. This prevents the good guys from blowing up the entire mountain when I'm at war with the world (after all, it would be a shame for all of these innocent people to get killed), and it also pours money into my private coffers, by taking ten percent of all transactions and treasures found. We're about a fourth of the way to the bottom of the escelator by now.

Hello KL!

Post 209

soeasilyamused, or sea

*sea rubs her jaw and glares at heavy defiantly, then goes to find something to eat, muttering something about uppity superheroes*

Hello KL!

Post 210

The Krylma Leader

*The descending continues to descend. KL frequently looks down. He sighs*

How many times have I told them not to do it like that.

*KL shouts to some creatures hiding in the darkness in some ancient language*

I don't care how tired you are, get back to work on finishing those machines. Do you think it's easy *walking* from this mountain to, say, Crater Labs? No, it isn't!

Hello KL!

Post 211

Big Bad Werewolf

*Calmly and quietly rides the elevator with the others, one hand thrust casually in his pocket. Unknown to the others, except for KL, the hand in his pocket holds a button-covered device, not unlike a TV Remote. His thumb rests gently on one particular button.*

Hello KL!

Post 212

Six clones: Y2K, Y3K, Y4K, Y2C, Y3C, and Y4C

[Y2K] [telepathically to BBW] (What have you got in your pocket?)

Hello KL!

Post 213

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] *telepathically to Y2K* (my guess is that you don't want to know.)

[evillene] *telepathically to sea* (don't you hate it when you start hearing those voices in your head?)

*sea screams. everyone turns to stare at her*

Hello KL!

Post 214

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Waitasec... what was that about you making war on the world KL? Surely some mistake - I thought you werent an evil supervillain up to no good. And I hope that whatever BBW is playing with in his pocket is not anything illegal. Yes. Dont think that I cant see you fiddling, my friend.

Hello KL!

Post 215

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Oh, and BTW, who won the election?

Will anything happen (this was while I was away, you see)

Hello KL!

Post 216

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

You don't need to know who won the election. You just need to know it wasn't me.

Now don't get any funny ideas about seeing me here, Uncle Heavy, everyone knows I'm a perfectly respectable shop owner. I own an antiques, collectibles, and relics store which you can reach from my personal space.

Hello KL!

Post 217

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] *innocently* we may be evil, but that doesn't mean we're up to no good....

Hello KL!

Post 218

Uncle Heavy [sic]

That I know about...

Hello KL!

Post 219

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Just because YOU'RE a hero doesn't mean you're always planning something heroic, does it?

Hello KL!

Post 220

Big Bad Werewolf

*Pulls hand out of pocket and shows UH the device.*

This is merely a security device. Should you make any false moves, a simple press of a button will ... well, let's not spoil the surprise.

*Grins wolfishly*

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