This is the Message Centre for rickydazla

Hey Rick

Post 1

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

Heya Rick, this is Rick (the guy who you started the Richard III post with) I wondered if ya do a lot of breakdancing? You wrote an article or two about the ol' hip-hop culture and about moonwalk. Why not email me on [email protected]. I'd like ta xchange info maybe, let me know what ya think (i had 2 post here coz I couldn't find an email addy for you)

Hey Rick

Post 2



Not really much crack at breakdancing I'm afraid, although it doesn't usually stop me after I've had a few (I'm the one who staggers around like a demented chimp, unaware that everyone's laughing).

Seen a few decent performances though from some breaking crews that came to a club I used to go to in Leeds - have to say I was in awe.

Hey Rick

Post 3

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

Cool, if ya want to check out me breakdancing visit [URL removed by moderator]I am Bboy Kobolt and that is my crew. Let me know what ya think smiley - smiley I'm slowly learning bigger and better moves and only me basic moves are on the page atm.

Hey Rick

Post 4


Send the url to [email protected] - I'll check it out.

Hey Rick

Post 5


Pretty decent smiley - cool

Nice carpet too

Hey Rick

Post 6

Kobolt - aka 'I didn't fail, I found 5000 ways that don't work'

Lol, that's my friends carpet, we usually break at his house although i just bought some carpet for outside practice, that way I don't get shouted at for breaking stuff, I just get shouted at for breaking me, which really isn't anybody else's business, but never mind. Hopefully I'll have pictures up soon of myself milling... Could take a few months to get it though, fingers crossed....

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