This is the Message Centre for Golden Delicious

Your Guide Entry

Post 1

Big Joe (just joe on jupiter)

Hi - Gran
You ol sly boots - you've put a guide entry in already!. V. interesting as well...
I did try to catch you last night as you seemed to have made the same mistake as I did ( not entering as a guide entry but editing it in your home page), but I see you have already sorted it out so no problems? ... apart from the heart attack when it disappeared!
I will not put any comments to your article, but it does seem comprehensive and more importantly, may be a great help to anyone who finds themselves in that distressing situation. Well done.

Your Guide Entry

Post 2

Golden Delicious

Thanks Big Joe - and thanks for introducing me to H2G2 - great site smiley - smiley

Your Guide Entry

Post 3

Big Joe (just joe on jupiter)

smiley - smiley ..Hi - Granny
Just checked the index to your entry - in at last! (don't forget to go to advanced search / guide entries )

Your Guide Entry

Post 4

Golden Delicious

Thanks for checking Big Joe smiley - smiley

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