This is the Message Centre for Prof. Rem

Hey Prof. Rem....

Post 1


....I am just stopping by to say hello and welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition smiley - smiley Let me introduce myself, I am Crescent, one of the many Assistant Community Editors (or ACEs) who roam around h2g2, looking for new members of the community to welcome, and offer their services too smiley - smiley One of our services is the lending of helping hands, so if you have any questions about, or problems with, the site then ask us smiley - smiley Click 'reply' below and tell us all about it, we shall take it from there and see what we can do to help out smiley - smiley Well, got to dash, so, until later......
BCNU - Crescent

Hey Prof. Rem....

Post 2


*flutter of wings*

hm...somehow, no matter where i go, crescent always seems to beat me to it, it's not fair! smiley - tongueout

anyway: welcome to h2g2, hope you like it, feel free to join in my party etc. etc. ..........

see ya! smiley - smiley

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