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The Force was with us!

Post 1


Yahoo! After nine hours of queing(it was fun, really :^) outside the "Cinema Palace"(a.k.a Bio Palatset) we(that is I and three friends) got our selves tickets for the premiere of Star Wars: Episode I!!!

This feels WONDERFUL and I can feel the force flowing throug my room in streams originating from a locked black steelbox containing the tickets! As Per P stated: "I have never in my life carried anything as valuable as this in my wallet and I'm not letting them out of sight 'til I'm safly at home if even then!"

The Force was really with us yesterday!

(For all of you who might wonder the premiere is on 19/8 00.01. And yes, Sweden is behind the rest o}f the civilized world when it comes to most things such as this!)

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The Force was with us!

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