This is the Message Centre for Panglos

this is the best of all possible worlds...

Post 1

Miss Archy

Hi, welcome to h2g2. I saw the name on the users list, and I was just vaguely wondering if it's taken from Candide? Although the name in that book is spelled Pangloss... Oh well, I'll quit rambling. Have fun at h2g2!

smiley - fish

this is the best of all possible worlds...

Post 2


Yes, you are right. Voltaire's character is called Pangloss. I will stick with my misremembered name and will have to go back to the book. It is some time since I read it.

this is the best of all possible worlds...

Post 3

Miss Archy

Candide is a good book...very funny. I see a lot of similarities between it and The Hitchhiker's Guide...

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this is the best of all possible worlds...

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