This is the Message Centre for stinkywigfiddle

Secret Heavenly Business !!!

Post 1


St.Peter - Hello again Everybody !!! smiley - smiley

I just popped around to give you your 'Access All
Areas' pass to Heaven... smiley - smiley

It would be a good idea to firstly add your name
to the 'Top Secret' thread as we use that as our
message board... smiley - smiley

Also, we have an offsite egroup which a lot of
people derive a greater sense of community from, please go here if
you would like to keep in touch... smiley - smiley

Welcome to the heavenly fold !!! smiley - smiley

BTW I'm sorry HE couldn't accommodate your second suggestion, it was almost the same as Bob's patronage... smiley - smiley


Secret Heavenly Business !!!

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

[Herald of Heaven]

The All-Access pass to Heaven has been changed:

I see that you've already been given the link to the Guardian Angels' egroup - it is a very good way to stay updated and informed about everything that goes on...

Enjoy, all of you!smiley - angel

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