This is the Message Centre for stinkywigfiddle

Once more is not enough

Post 1

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

How are you?

I have decided never to drink again... set an example for humanity [I wish!] and myself... hoping to take my own advice. Lucky that was only virtual drinking, because IRL it's really not worth it.

Thank you for the party.

Like all of you, you make me laugh a lot smiley - smiley

Peace, Earthlings,

Once more is not enough

Post 2


Kiddo: Hello Peaceful! It's good that you stopped drinking. I don't drink, but some of the others do. We've been gone for several days and it's great to be back.
See you around.
smiley - smiley

Once more is not enough

Post 3

Peaceful Earthling {Keeper of So Many Stories}

I've been away too!

Glad you don't drink. That's wise.

Hope to be seeing all of you soon


smiley - smiley

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