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Your vote will make a difference!

Post 1

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))


To our wonderful friends Gagdreek, et al,

The time has come at last. Voting has begun for the h2g2 Virtual Prez race! It has been an exciting and often challenging race, but now it's time for the voters to speak.

The Polling Booth is at -- click on 'The Celery and Ms Dolores A.Webjello' on that page and a blank email should pop up with 'The Celery' in the subject line. Add your h2g2 user name and id number in the body and hit send. That's all there is to it. We also have prepared an easy voting page for you at (which includes instructions on how to vote if your web browser isn't configured for email).

Please do not vote more than once. Multiple votes may end up in all your votes being invalid. Also, if you have multiple identities at h2g2, vote only with one of them (usually your primary identity).

The Celery would like to thank you for all your support during this campaign. With your help he has already made a difference at h2g2: The Celery has raised the awareness of respect for h2g2 creations of various kinds; The Celery has created a wonderful Sanctuary and Playground for h2g2 fish; The Celery has shown that good manners counts; and The Celery and Dolores have shown that they can put on a heck of a party!

If elected, The Celery and Dolores Webjello will continue their efforts with: A regular column in the Post; The creation of a Prez House where everyone can stop by and chat with the Prez and express their concerns; The creation of a Strawberry Fields Park at the Municipal Park; and another amazing party -- this time celebrating the election results.

On a personal note from me: I not only work for The Celery, but I am pleased to call him my friend. It has been so wonderful working with him. As some of you may know, I was framed by a rival staff member in the so-called poisoning of one of the opponents. During this frame, my cat Falstaff was forcibly taken from me for a time. Despite the fact that The Celery was also dealing with numerous death threats against him (and a kidnapping), he took the time to investigate the issue and clear my name, and has raised a rallying cry against the mistreatment of innocent creatures like Falstaff. The results of his investigation are in this week's Post at

Again, thanks for all your support! Make your voice heard at the polling booth and tell your friends. If you have questions about the voting process, please ask us.


Chief Political Operative
Celery/Webjello 2000

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