This is the Message Centre for stinkywigfiddle

Your Angel is here......

Post 41

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Strange human!
Where is Gagdreek?
I need him.
Are there any other Mixed Nuts here?
I wish to leave a message.
Please tell Gagdreek that I need a picture of a seahorse.
Preferably a male seahorse giving birth.
Thank you.

Your Angel is here......

Post 42


*A large green hawk soars in*


Your Angel is here......

Post 43

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Wow, that was close!
Er, excuse me, but have any of you lovely people read the backlog of this thread? Posts 39 & 40 will do....and PLEASE get back to me...I am salivating with anticipationsmiley - tongueout
Er, and has Xanthe got back from her date with GOD yet?smiley - winkeye

Your Angel is here......

Post 44


*the green hawk lands in front of GB and tilts its head at her*

Your Angel is here......

Post 45


Zack: Hey AGB. What was that all about? I haven't seen Xanthe in a while actually.

Your Angel is here......

Post 46

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Have you read the thread I gave you to read?
The last Sainting?smiley - tongueout

Your Angel is here......

Post 47

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

When you have read the last Sainting....pop across to the Tea Roome at the Village de la Vavoom, the link is on my page, and see where GOD took Xanthe, I have told NO-ONE else that...I'm not supposed to know...but seeing as how you were SO worried about her, I just wanted you to know she's in VERY safe hands...hehehe...please tell me what you think of the Sainting!!!smiley - bigeyes
smiley - fish

Your Angel is here......

Post 48


Zack: of course. We were there.

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