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A special invitation for Gagdreek

Post 1

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))


To The Honorable Gagdreek

The Celery and Ms. Dolores A. Webjello cordially invite you to a very special event.

Date: beginning 1 August, 2000 and continuing...

The event has three parts which will run at the same time:

__ Press Conference ___
The Celery will be unveiling a series of new initiatives, as well as answering questions about policy issues. While this portion is particularly intended for the press, all are invited.

__ Campaign Party ___
Everyone is invited to this party celebrating the beginning of the final stretch in the campaign. There will be an open bar, hors d'oeuvres, light conversation, and dancing. Dolores A. Webjello will host the dances. No serious political talk or clocks will be allowed.

__ Black-tie Recognition Dinner ___
This gourmet meal is being provided by The Celery as a thank you to supporters of the campaign. Opposition candidates and members of the press are also invited. This is a chance to bring out your finest clothes, and enjoy a great meal and sparkling conversation. Formal attire is expected. Please RSVP for the dinner by responding to this message.

We look forward to seeing you!

Note: Feel free to invite your friends and associates to attend the press conference and party. If they wish to attend the dinner, there will be an opportunity at the event for them to be added to the supporters list.

A special invitation for Gagdreek

Post 2


Gagdreek: Yay! I'm invited to something!

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