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it's off to work i go!

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Latest reply: Aug 17, 2000

Turning Red...

Hello Comrade...

Today i have decided to vote for the Masque of the Red Herring/RedFish ticket. not exactly a democratic choice, but so very fitting for the h2g2 community!

nothing like a good ol' fashioned Dictatorship to keep things original and interesting!!

Viva La Roja!


I must spread the word-

read about their campaign here:
campaign headquarters

Visit RedFish's page here (it's GREAT!):
RedFish for Grand Vizier!

have your opinion counted in the Pre-election poll:

take a look at the wea-- uh... OTHER candidates here:

and after August 21st 2000, Cast your Vote here:

~The E

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Latest reply: Aug 16, 2000


this afternoon, on the drive home from another terrible day at work, i flipped on the radio.

not uncommon. in fact, i usually listen to the classical channel while driving.

for some reason my radio was tuned to one of those "best of the 70's 80's and today" channels. (wonder when they're going to start saying 'best of the 90's???)

anyway, i never listen to that channel, so it's very strange that my radio was set to it- no one else has access to my car.

When i flipped it on, it was in the middle of a commercial. from what i gathered, there is a boat somewhere that is sponsored by some tequila company. this boat is in need of a crew, and they are inviting people to come sail with them. no fee, but then, no pay either. it said that they set sail next week, and will be out of port for two weeks, landing in mexico next.

i didn't catch the beginning, so i don't have any idea what the name of the boat is, or where it is sailing from... nor do i know if it's even for real! i mean, what's the chance that it is, right? who would ever invite a whole city to go sailing- 'bring flip-flops and shorts, and don't forget the sunscreen!'- for two whole weeks??

i've been listening to this terrible radio station for 8 1/2 hours, just hoping to hear the add again...

so far, no luck.

if i disappear for two weeks, be happy for me? it means that one of my dreams has come true!!


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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2000


hmmm.. not much going on.

wonder if there's anything worth doing here...

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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2000

first day.

ok, so now what?

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Latest reply: Jul 29, 2000

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