This is the Message Centre for ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239

Survivor Cameo...

Post 1

Matthew Kershaw

Hello !!!

I promised you a Survivor Cameo and here it is !!! smiley - smiley

We have a boat fast approaching bearing a Greenpeace Symbol...

It has nothing whatsoever to do with the lauded organisation, but has been sent by the CIA who are intend on covering up the existence of a LARGE amount of radioactive barrels lying beneath the sands of Peaceful Bay... smiley - winkeye

They are trying to take advantage of the T.V cameras to once & for all quash this outrageous rumour... smiley - smiley

So if you could wander around in a radiation suit being a little paranoid about non-existent highly radioactive barrels, it would be much appreciated... smiley - smiley



Survivor Cameo...

Post 2

ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239

NEAT! so what do you think of my entrance? ok?
is there anything in particular you'd like me to do with the barrels? should i be distracted, nervous, or just paranoid? smiley - bigeyes

Survivor Cameo...

Post 3

Matthew Kershaw

LOL!!! smiley - smiley

Well, I'm actually now in South America, so it's up to you... smiley - winkeye


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