This is the Message Centre for ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239


Post 1


I'm a little late with this, but... Welcome to h2g2! smiley - smiley

I see you've been around for a while already - I wonder why none of us ACEs have found you before... *ashamed* But anyway, now you've been officially greeted! smiley - smiley And if you have any problems with h2g2 I'll be glad to help... smiley - smiley


Post 2

ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239

Hello alien! Very nice to meet you!

yes, I was wondering why I seemed to be the only person that the ACEs hadn't greeted! I was beginning to think that no one cared! or maybe that I'd done something wrong, or not checked in at the right place. i don't know, but it did sort of feel lonely for a while!

i'm relieved that i got noticed finally, though! Who knows? I may even be able to come up with a question or two!

*smiles beatifically*

I'm not an outsider anymore! Yippee!


Post 3

RedFish ><>

Hello there Entity.

I noticed the message after your name, vote Masque. Good choice. I am the Masque's running mate RedFish, here to offer you a free bottle of Masque election wine. Enjoy it smiley - smiley


Post 4

ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239

*accepting bottle with due reverence, then popping cork and pouring glasses for all*

Why THANK YOU, Red Fish! I thought your campaign summed up all of my feelings regarding the presidential election, so i just had to jump on board!

i've volunteered to be a member of the staff, but i'm at a loss as to what to volunteer for... i'm open to anything, however!?!

*refills glasses and raises own in toast*

~Viva La Roja!~

~The E


Post 5

ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239

i JUST finished redecorating my page- come check it out!

(what do you think??) smiley - winkeye


Post 6

RedFish ><>

Ahhh nice look on the site smiley - smiley

The Masque has offered you two posts in the campaign:

Assistant to Mr. RedFish
Chief Thug

You can take them both or just one, whatever you decide (although i wouldnt mind an assistant)


Post 7

ENTITY-- Assistant to Mr. RedFish, Chief Thug to The MASQUE) A410239

HI boss! glad you like my little bit of shameless promotion! i'd love to take both positions, if that's alright! so... let's see... i started a new thread on your page yesterday titled 'reporting for duty' or something like that smiley - winkeye
just so you can fill me in on what's involved with being your (humble) assistant... i'm not very sure what this is all about yet, so i'm just running around giving out the wine i was given... is that ok?smiley - bigeyes


Post 8

RedFish ><>

Thats fine entitiy... I have posted fuller instructions in the "Reporting for duty" forum

"Vote for us, be unique"

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