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Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Hi oglebearsmiley - biggrinnice to see you here.

I just wondered on your choice of name, I used to be called Ogle and my ex-husband was the "oglebear" then when we had kids he was the "oglebeardaddy" so you might understand now why your name caught my eye.

Anyhoo, thought I'd just drop by and say Hi, I'm in the UK by the way, I hope your March weather in Oz is better than the March weather in Englandsmiley - brr

smiley - flyhi


Post 2


oglebear comes from my nickname 'ogle' after Australian golfer Brett Ogle - about 17 years ago at local golf club someone thought i looked like him and called me ogle and 17 yrs later - i guess it stuck
anyway a variation that some friends used was 'oglebear' so there it is


Post 3


oh and the weather is just great between 20-30c everyday - although some rain would be good some year soon - havent had average rainfall for about 6 years - nearby lake is 5% full - i guess you wouldn't know what thats like living in UK

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