This is the Message Centre for Lucifer

Hello Bringer of Light....

Post 1


...and welcome to h2g2 smiley - smiley I am one of the friendly Assistant Community Editors (or ACEs) who wander around these plains looking for new members of the community to say hello to, and good deeds to do smiley - smiley We are also like the first line of support so if you have any problems with, or questions about, the site we are here to lend a helping hand smiley - smiley Click 'reply' below and tell me all about it, and we shall see what can be done smiley - smiley I take it from your intro that you are studying Biochem, or a related field (or was the cure for cancer just a red herring? smiley - smiley Well, until later....
BCNU - Crescent

Hello Bringer of Light....

Post 2


Hi I am Abi - the Deputy Community Editor! I see Crescent has ACEd you (nice work Cres!) so I just thought I would say hi. There is a newcomer's welcome thread over at where you can meet new and existing researchers and find out how the site works. Welcome - its good to have you with us!

Hello Bringer of Light....

Post 3


D'oh forgot the link to the new members forum smiley - sadface Told you brain like a sieve smiley - smiley Eventually it does go in smiley - smiley I will get it next time smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

Hello Bringer of Light....

Post 4


Crescent its just not good enough!!!! smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

Hello Bringer of Light....

Post 5

Fashion Cat

Aren't you lucky! Both ACEd and seen by Abi! WOW smiley - bigeyes

well, now you've got another greeter. I'm a Guardian Angel, and aim to make your entrance into the world of h2g2 as easy as possible!

Hehe.. now you're a bit more relaxed, all I'm here to say is if you have any probs, queries etc, come to me... About anything.. where's a good place to go, where the drinks are cheap etc etc...

Here's the link to "The Overwhelmingly Huge Guide to H2G2 Clubs": always a good place to start...

And a word of advice, just nose around, find something you want to talk about and hit that reply button.. I've only been here a month, and already I made so many friends.... Everyone's just waiting to talk to you.

Come find me if you want.. Click on my name above...

Happy Hunting!!


PS I'm a biochemist, and would love to hear more about this work you're doing with cancer.... smiley - smiley

Hello Bringer of Light....

Post 6


Ta folks. Have been in the States, so haven't got round to much yet. Later.

Hello Bringer of Light....

Post 7

Fashion Cat

bioinformatics huh? sounds really interesting... I'm just about to go into year 2 of my biochemistry degree, and would love to hear any tales you can tell!

thanks for dropping by! BTW what do you mean by squiffy links??? smiley - smiley

Hello Bringer of Light....

Post 8

Fashion Cat

smiley - smiley hallo again!

hows you entry into the world of h2g2 coming along??

PS thanks for telling me about the links, hopefully they should be sorted in a mo....

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