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Your futurama entry

Post 1

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")


I see you've not been around for some time, but just in case you do return, I thought I should let you know that I'd like to use your Futurama article as the basis for a new article to go into the Edited Guide to replace the current one, which is pretty poor. I hope you don't mind - I will, of course, credit you as a researcher on the new entry!



PS It's at A1928054

Your futurama entry

Post 2

The Corrupt One

That's great! Oh, but you might want to note that a good deal of those sites no longer exist -- the two major ones right now are Can't Get Enough Futurama ( and the site I, er, "work" at, The Leela Zone ( - winkeye

If you need any more input, I could pitch in more... I wrote that entry *ages* ago!

Your futurama entry

Post 3

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

smiley - blush don't I feel stupid!! Sorry!

I didn't check the Kudos link - I thought you were long gone, but I'm very glad that you're not!

I was thinking of adding an illustrative quote to each of the major characters to add to your descriptions, and also to say something on why it's funny and how it's different from the Simpsons. My plan was to get lots of people involved and produce a community update, but seeing as you're still here, what is done (if anything) is completely up to you. smiley - smiley


Your futurama entry

Post 4

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")


Just to update you - Spook has offered to write an episode and series guide for the Futurama entry. I'd like to add something about why it's funny and the type of humour. Of course, it goes without saying that anything else that you'd like to add would be great!


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