This is the Message Centre for Marduk

Hi Marduk

Post 1

Bald Bloke

An unofficial welcome to the wonderful confusion that is the HHGTTG smiley - smiley
By the looks of it you are well on your way to finding your way around the guide, or at least ask h2g2.
To leave a message on another researchers page click on the "discuss this entry" button on their page, or add a reply to an existing conversation.

Help in using the site is always available from "Dont Panic" the h2g2 help system which you can get to by clicking the don't panic button on any page.

The Dont Panic FAQ gives a very good description of how to use the site and should be able to solve any problems you have using the site.

And if that doesn't work you can always ask in the feedback forums

I'm sure one of the aces (h2g2's meeters and greeters) will pop round and see you soon
But in the mean time as your fairly new you might want to have a look at the newcomers page
and maybe say Hi in the forums

The best way I have found to get to know this place is to click on other researchers names (which takes you to their home page) and see where they have been going and contributing to, most of us keep a list of our favorite links on our homepages.

If you want to know who's on line at the moment see or you can start the same list from the button at the top of the page.

A list of the busiest forums and most recent edited entries is available on the front page (which you can get to at any time by clicking on the H2G2 logo at the top of the page)

A more detailed list of recent posting etc can be found at

Tip of the Year
Remember if its coloured its probably a linksmiley - smiley

Look forward to seeing you around
Bald Bloke

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