This is the Message Centre for Coneyz

Welcome to h2g2!

Post 1


Hello there, and welcome to h2g2! I see you've popped an Entry into Peer Review! It's not quite suitable for the Guide, but I thought I'd come over and say hello anyway.

I'm Vip, and I'm here to give you a guiding hand around the maze that is h2g2. Whether you joined up to write for the Guide, to talk to the wonderful people who reside here, or whether it was just by chance, we're glad to have you. Our founder, Douglas Adams, wrote a welcome message for us all at A157349.

If I were you I'd head to A42397158, where an old-timer Researcher has done his best to tell you everything a newbie needs to know.

h2g2 is primarily here to contribute to the Edited Guide - the giant encyclopedia of knowledge that has been growing ever since its inception over ten years ago. You can get a feel for the style of the articles that we Researchers create by taking a trip in the Infinite Improbability Drive - <./>RandomEditedEntry</.>.

If you want to help us build the Guide, I would suggest that you spend a while reading <./>Peer Review</.>, which is where the main activity happens. That way you can see how the system operates and the style of Entries and their authors. There is some good advice at the Writing-Beginners too.

h2g2 is also home to a famously warm and welcoming Community, who can be found all over the place. A good place to start is <./>Askh2g2</.> which is a springboard into the current active Community.

Once again, welcome. If you ever need a helpful hand, all you need to do is reply to this message and I'll be there just as soon as I can.

I look forward to seeing you around!


smiley - fairy

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