Journal Entries

Life, Contacts, and Keyboarding

Its 8:50 a.m. and I'm already having a bad day. I'm typing this from my keyboarding class so I don't have much time. I set my alarm clock for about 5:50 a.m. this morning, so I would have time to take a shower and put in my contacts. I've had my contacts only for a few days so it takes a while to put them in. The alarm went off, I turned it off, and promptly returned to sleep. I woke up about 50 minutes later. I had 20 minutes to get dressed for school. I did so, and I gave a pathetic attempt to put in my contacts. I didn't get them in. My left eye seems to not want them. Anyway, that left me quite agitated, because it would be a few hours until I returned home. I brought my contacts with me and I'm going to try to put them in during my 20 minute break. I hope it works.
After keyboarding, I have a homepage class…I hope to renew and strengthen my webmaster skills. I hope it's HTML, not WSIWYG.
After that, I have a trumpet lesson. Ugh.
Anyway, I don't have fencing tonight. They canceled it because of the 4th of July. I'm not sure if I'm happy or unhappy, because I like to fence but I don't feel like it right now.

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Latest reply: Jul 5, 2000

Stardate: Tuesday, July 4th. My first entry.

This is my first entry.
Right now, I'm listening to Metallica's "Die Die Die"...good song.
Anyway, people keep saying "Happy 4th of July". I don't mind this, but I've been having a bad day.
Unfortunatly, I seem to be having an attitude with everyone.
On the up side, I got my contacts in for the first time. It only took about an hour.
Fun, fun.

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Latest reply: Jul 4, 2000

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