Journal Entries

Wednesday Night Racing

Every wednesday night my father and I participate in our Sailing Club's wednesday night races.

Tonight, however, there was absolutely NO WIND WHATSOEVER. So there were about fifty boats just drifting around together, drinking beer, rafting up with one another. Big old party on the lake. Super relaxing and a ton of fun (despite the fact that there was no wind...)

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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2000

The Canadian Alliance

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that yesterday, the newest political party in Canada held its leadership election and managed to elect the most scary religous fundamentalist they could find. Racist, homophobic, intolerant, pretty much everything bad about right wing b******s, he's got 'em all...

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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2000

The Weekend

Yup, its the weekend. After a beautiful day yesterday, today has become cloudy and disappointing. I was planning to go for a rollerblade, but it is too wet and horrible out. So instead I have been killing braincells playing Planescape: Torment.

This game has kept me occupied for a long, long time. I don't play it often enough to blast through the game, but it is long enough that I can play for a couple of hours in a night, and still feel like I am advancing. Lots of fun.

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Latest reply: Jul 9, 2000


Maybe not traumatic, but here's the thing: I hate looking back at things I have written, especially here in a public place, and seeing spelling mistakes. One little slip of the key and you present yourself as an idiot to the rest of the world. For some reason, I have a really hard time finding spelling mistakes on the screen when it is something I have just written. I've been wondering for a while whether the advent of email will mark the end of a set spelling standard. I wonder if this is a bad or good thing, or whether it is just a thing, you know?

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Latest reply: Jul 5, 2000

Entry Numero Uno

Yup, here it is, my first journal entry into the guide. Nothing to exciting to talk about I don't think. I am extremely interested in the guide as a concept and am intrigued at the possibilities it holds for sharing ideas. So away we go.

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Latest reply: Jul 4, 2000

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Matt the Rat

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