This is the Message Centre for Matt the Rat
long live the Spen!
just this girl, you know Started conversation Aug 6, 2000
I've always known that Matt was destined for greatness. I've known about his invention, the Spen, for some time now- at least a week before it's many uses were posted here. I've known Matt the Rat (though I usually refer to him as Matthew) for much longer. At least I think I know him- he's a shifty one. I definately know of him, as his fame is preceeds him by at least a metre. I've even been known to join him whilst he enjoys his many hobbies such as; building forts, driving those around him insane, and general debauchery.
Anyway, Matthew's brilliant and a heap of fun- so sit back, relax, and enjoy the Spen before he patens it as one of his "Get Matt Rick Quick"(who's Matt Rich?) schemes.
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long live the Spen!
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