This is the Message Centre for Vittorio Arnold

Sub-editing your Restaurants Entry

Post 1

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hi Vittorio

The Editors have requested that I sub-edit your Restaurant article. So, as it is nearly ready - please would you have a look at it? Hopefully, you will see it published quite soon.

Here is the link to the sub-edited version: A65194563

There has been a queue of things waiting for publication - sorry for the delay.

Hope all is well in Rome?



Sub-editing your Restaurants Entry

Post 2

Vittorio Arnold

No problem Lanzababy. Thanks for your help. In the meanwhile the h2g2 Post has accepted, and published, my suggestions for a tasty veal pot roast and a dish of pasta in tomato sauce Ciao smiley - cool

Sub-editing your Restaurants Entry

Post 3

Vittorio Arnold

The weather is uncommonly rainy in Roma, and so is the mood. Inquiries on corruption charges of big cheeses, brawls between politicians, new laws on the limitation of the freedom of press: it all adds up the depressing recognition of the abyss between the population and the powers that be. How widespread these feelings are, I don't know, but I'm not the only one. Better times will come, I hope. Ciao

Sub-editing your Restaurants Entry

Post 4

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Congrats! Vittorio - you restaurants Entry has finally hit the front page! smiley - bubbly

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