This is the Message Centre for Vittorio Arnold

Submission for Peer Review. Continuation of Restaurants in the 'Castelli'..

Post 1

Vittorio Arnold

Dear Ace/Lanzababy, I've written today the continuation of my previuos entry in the 'Write an entry' page. I don't know what happened: it disappeared. I looked for the 'Submit for Peer review' button on the right of the entry: not there. I pressed a number of times the box 'Add guide entry' and was told not to press the box again. A bit frustrating. Help!

Submission for Peer Review. Continuation of Restaurants in the 'Castelli'..

Post 2

Vittorio Arnold

Everything ok. I've managed to submitsmiley - cheerup

Submission for Peer Review. Continuation of Restaurants in the 'Castelli'..

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Hello vittorio

Sorry I didn't notice this message yesterday. The reason is that you have posted it on your personal space.

If you ever need to contact me, or one of the other volunteers, such as your ACE ( the person who welcomed you to h2g2 ) just click on their name, which takes you to their space.

If you need to you can leave a *me* a message by clicking

'Discuss this Entry' (just underneath a small picture of a desert island) smiley - biggrin

This h2g2 site is really hard to find your way around - it was designed more than ten years ago. Good luck!

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Submission for Peer Review. Continuation of Restaurants in the 'Castelli'..

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