This is the Message Centre for moo

Hello, moo

Post 1


Never mind about all that in TB! You catpeed and the mods agreed. End of story.

Here, smiley - coffeesmiley - cakesmiley - cappuccinosmiley - cake

Chin up smiley - smiley

Eilis smiley - peacedove

Hello, moo

Post 2


It's just hard when I'm being told that people didn't like my attitude. I really don't like to upset people, and it hurts when people say I came across like that. I've always tried to be polite, but now I've found this has got me in to "trouble". I think I'm going to lay low a bit now. The bit I'm finding most hard is that I didn't think it could come across in anyway other than the way I meant it.

Anyhow, it's the end of a long week for me so I'm off out tonight.

Thanks for the drinks.

Here's a bar of choccie for you: smiley - choc


Hello, moo

Post 3


Moo, I've just posted to you over there. I'm sorry you've have had to put up with all that. I've felt like that myself in the past.

It's funny that there are quite a few posters who complain about "milk monitors" etc but they spend their time acting as "clique monitors". A few of them appear to have chips on their shoulder over past slights etc. I've no idea what their problem is.

As I've said over there you've got a life elsewhere, go and enjoy it.

[maternal mode OFF]

Eilis smiley - smileysmiley - peacedove xxx

Hello, moo

Post 4


Will do smiley - smiley

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