This is the Message Centre for moo

Hello, Moo

Post 1


Just thought when I was answering you in DtA that I should ask how you were and if exams were on the horizon. I can come in here and ask you instead of going "off-topic" in there.

Congratulations on the effort you've taken with the front page also.

I'll buy you a drink next time I see you in The Bull.


Hello, Moo

Post 2


Oh thank you, that's very lovely of you.

I can't remember how long it's been since I've felt this good about myself, but it sure feels good. Unfortunately that could mean the next "low" will be awful, but it's probably best not to think like that.

Exams are indeed on the horizon-looming there..waiting. My niffty colour coded revision chart is being stuck to ridgedly and my friend was so impressed she's copied the idea. Some flatmates of mine don't have as many exams as me though and so are going out every night and coming back in the early hours waking me and the others up, so there's a bit of tension going on there but nothing we can't handle.

Hope you are well

Here is my favourite of all the smillies I have found so far:

smiley - silly


Hello, Moo

Post 3


Look after yourself, moo. I'm no expert but I should think you should take each days at it comes and don't worry about the next "low". It might never happen and worrying about it now won't make any difference. Easy for me to say, I know!

Good luck with the exams. I have one daughter taking "A" levels and one GCSEs so it will be all go here in the next few weeks. The eldest is in her second year at university and has no exams this year. Lucky her! She's looking forward to enjoying the summer term. Mind you, she still has plenty of work to do as well as decide which options she is going to take in her final year.

Love 'n hugs

Eilis smiley - smiley

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