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That gave me a surprise!

Post 1

Jo Bo

Hello Moo

It was a bit of a shock to see my name. You seem to have got the hang of this new place. I haven't had time to really explore yet, but I'm sure we will all get used to it in time. By Christmas we'll have wondered what all the fuss was about.

I love your personal space. I will have to see what I can do with mine sometime when I'm really bored. Do they have a good selection of pics?

Right, time to get back to real ML. See you around.

Jo x

That gave me a surprise!

Post 2



There are a wide selection of pictures you can use.

ML mk 2 (or mk 3 if you include the non-mustard mythical "blue board") shouldn't be as complicated as this, so I'm hoping that if I kind of get the hang of this the new board won't be as daunting when it comes.


That gave me a surprise!

Post 3

Jo Bo

I found a couple of pictures that I fancied - one horsey, one catty - but didn't have time to work out how to get them on to my front page, as I seemed to need to understand the syntax of the GuideML stuff. As I'm meant to be at work, I'm not sure I've got time right now.

Jo x

That gave me a surprise!

Post 4


I'll post this for you for when you are not busy at work.

First thing's first (isn't it always?) Make sure you're personal space is in GuideML mode, there should be an option when you go to edit it that does this.

Then make sure your entry begins with this:

It must end with this:

To get a picture that your text will fit around you need to type the following:

If you want to move the picture to the left or the right replace the "CENTER" with "LEFT" (for left) and "RIGHT" (for right).

Other potentially useful things:

TYPE HERE this will give itallics

The following will give you a line space should you need it:



That gave me a surprise!

Post 5

Jo Bo

Cheers Moo. I did some programming many moons ago, so I understand the principles. Your notes will be really useful, thanks.

This place is weird, isn't it? More like personal conversations or MSN chat. I find these individual spaces a bit lonely! I'm sure when they set up the ML version it will be a bit different. Have you posted in the Outhouse yet? Is there much going on? It is also rather confusing at the moment having real ML, pretend new ML and TBU.

Jo x

That gave me a surprise!

Post 6


Sorry if that last post came across as slightly patronising then, I never know how much people know so I start with the basics and try to talk through every point.

It seems to be mostly "I'm lost/I don't like it/help me" posts in the outhouse. I think the real conversation is still in it's rightful place in The Bull at the moment. In theory anyone could pop in to this conversation and say hello I think.

That gave me a surprise!

Post 7

Jo Bo

Oh no, it wasn't patronising in the least. I have never done any HTML type programming, so I will have to play around for a bit. I may sneak a look at the commands that make up your page, if you don't mind.

I do realise that this is public space and anyone can join in, it's just that the chance of anyone finding us here is fairly remote!

I will stick to real ML for general conversation for the moment, and just use this as a bit of an experiment. I hope Peta/Peet are right that anything we set up here will be able to be carried across to new ML. Otherwise it could be a bit of a waste of time.

Love the journal by the way - yet another time-wasting opportunity. Aren't you meant to be revising? (Like I'm meant to be working, but now it's lunchtime, so off to find a sarnie.)

May catch you later.

Thanks again for the help - I will let you know if I succeed in making my space more interesting.

Jo x

That gave me a surprise!

Post 8

Jo Bo

PS Agree about the 'don't like/don't want, etc' posts. No-one likes change, but a few people are coming across like spoilt children. ML is its contributors after all, and as long as enough of them are brave enough to use the new system, there shouldn't really be too much problem. I suppose I don't use time order that often, as I don't come online as much as some, but Peta is trying to offer something similar I believe. I'm sure it will all be alright in the end, we could just do without all the gloom and doom merchants going on and on and on about it. (How do I insert a smiley here?)

That gave me a surprise!

Post 9


I am revising in between posts, but am going to do a huge chunk later on this evening. I am running ahead of my schedule so as long as I stick with it everything should be fine, but thanks for your concern.

There should either be a list of smilies (in Brunel mode) or you can do this smiley - smiley

I guess some people don't adapt to change as much as others.

moosmiley - silly

That gave me a surprise!

Post 10



If you can find a way to look at the code that makes up my space, feel free to do so.

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