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Post 1

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Oomchi, sorry to be a bore, but I can't find that posting of yours where you explained how to do the greeting thing on the home Page of your space. Oh for Latest Mesages....

Would you mind telling me which thread it's in, or repeating it again here?

Ta muchly,

smiley - winkeye Katy


Post 2


No problem

Firstly you must make sure that when you edit your space you change the style to GuideML (I think there's a little option thing to do this near the bottom of the page)

Then you must type:

before you do anything else and it must end with

To get scrolly text type:


(By changing the number after SCROLLAMOUNT you can change the speed)

This displays the name of whoever is reading your space:

HTH and don't hesitate to ask if you can't get it to work.



Post 3

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Thanks, oomchi! I've got it to work, but how do I enter a paragraph break in the text? Clicking on Enter each time I want a break doesn't seem to work and I'd like to space things more. Oh, and how did you make 'Mustardland' yellow?

Apols for pinching all your ideas....

smiley - smiley Katy


Post 4

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Oh dear, the links in the text don't work either...

smiley - sadface Katy


Post 5


Absolutley no problemo

This was the best mustard colour I could find:


leave the and if you don't want it in bold but I found it helped it show up a bit better.

does a line space

About to go out now, but if you need any more help in getting it to work, post me a reply and I'll get back to you next time I'm online.



Post 6

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Thanks Mooch, you're a star!

:D Katy


Post 7


That's because you'll have to add some more codes to get them to work as links now that you've changed to GuideML. Either ask Peet, or I can find out for you later. Might want to change it back to plain until it's sorted out otherwise people won't be able to follow the links.


Post 8

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hmmm, yes, I see what you mean. I'll save the whole intro in a Word document, then change it back to plain for the time being.

Thanks again for all your help!

smiley - smiley Katy


Post 9



I found this somewhere on this site

Link to another Entry on h2g2 with the following: Link to help.

Link to another Researcher's Personal Space with the following: Link to someone.

I'm guessing where it saus "Link to help" and "Link to someone" you can replace it with something else e.g. "Click here to get to the Bull Outhouse" or whatever.



Post 10


Forgot to mention, but just incase you hadn't worked it out I better, replace the A123456/U6 with whatever the correct number is for the place you want to link to.

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