This is the Message Centre for moo

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Post 1


I am not freaked out at all Moo, in fact I am honoured! smiley - blush This is the first time I've checked your new and revamped page, it's awesome. Hope the revision's going well,

Niff smiley - smiley

Greeted by name

Post 2

Sea Nymph

Bloody nora, Mooch.How did you do that? It's fab and very freaky

Greeted by name

Post 3


Bit fancy isn't SeaN? I particularly like the moving banner, very very cool.

Niff smiley - smiley

Greeted by name

Post 4


I dabble in html (Had to for AS ICT) and so just mucked around a bit till I found something I liked. The sheep linky thing and the cow picture were provided kindly by Peet.

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