This is the Message Centre for moo

Hello from Anne-Marie

Post 1


Hi Moo

How are you finding it here? Kind of exciting but scary! It's good that we are venturing in en masse - at least we know we'll find someone to talk to!

I have added you to my friends list & I see you have done the same with me. That's great! I like it that people raelise I am part of ML even tho I don't post there much.

BTW Aren't you supposed to be in purda & not posting? registering overe here might be a bad move!!!smiley - biggrin

see you around!


Hello from Anne-Marie

Post 2


Hello! I think most people will realise you are a part of ML! I was in Purda, and plan to return when I have stuff to actually do, but I'm just hanging around waiting for term to start properly at the moment, there's no one around at the university and it all seems very strange and empty.

Hello from Anne-Marie

Post 3


Well I should be revising for my finals but keep being distracted by life, the universe & everything! I hope that when my children go back to school motivation will increase & I'll be able to focus.

Good luck with your upcoming exams too - I think you mentioned some....

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