This is the Message Centre for Muggel Chicken

Muggle Me MISS YOU!!

Post 1

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Me miss you muggle!
But me will be okay. Me post a message here everyday until you answer it.
I have lots of news for you.
Malitia Boy is dead!
Me talk later when me have more time!
Miss you!

Muggle Me MISS YOU!!

Post 2

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

It's me Amelia!! Why have you not posted a message here?! I'm soooo mad atchuu!
No I'm not.

Muggle Me MISS YOU!!

Post 3

Muggel Chicken

you must have wanted me to find out or get me to make a response so yes you are so cut the bs k any way whats new in you space how is everyone hows youn womens rember pacince is a good thing how was the activityin camble river any way talk later places to go people to see homework to do
luv meggs

Muggle Me MISS YOU!!

Post 4

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

He he! The activity was cool! (even though I hurt myself...)
Duncan was, I am so sorry to say, very very annoying! And justin and I put a little blue goblin in the Dorito's Bowl at the dance, that was funny! You as Cat about it!

What new in my space? Militia Boy is dead... that is bad. ... and Um... Anita has her own ship (sort of) and a crew to go with it (okay, it doesn't require a crew, she just has a bunch of people willing to shoot "bad guys" for some oppressed farmers). And Nick O'Teen has a new nick name. Dave and I came up with it. It's "No-Dicky Nicky" for reasons that are best left alone.

That's about it.

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