Journal Entries


good day to you all. well the bane of all teenagers is over, i have finished my exams woo!

and yet I have still not written anything smiley - sadface time to put pen to paper!!

"There once was a rabbit called flossy..."

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2005


good day to you all. well the bane of all teenagers is over, i have finished my exams woo!

and yet I havestill not written anything smiley - sadface time to put pen to paper!!

"There once was a rabbit called flossy..."

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2005

journal 2

Yeah!!! i rule. well actually no...

Well, I said I was going to add a couple of entries into H2G2 and well, my input so far is:
A grand total of zero!!! But in my defense, I have made two journal entries!!

I am planning a couple of guide entries one specifically on Hades greek God of the Underworld but those darn GCSE's have gotten in the way. grrr! still got 15 darn exams left, the countdown begins!



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Latest reply: May 30, 2005

hootoo and beyond

woohoo hootoo. FINALLY sorted myself an account so that i can submit my own ideas to the H2G2. ah the joys of broadband, fast connection and no parents to shouting at you to get off the internet smiley - smiley

So... 24 hours in and what do i think of hootoo i hear you all say (or type) well ill never be bored again i can assure you of that. i look forward to entertaining the masses with future guides.

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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2005

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