This is the Message Centre for GarudaJones

The award for bravery goes to ..........

Post 1

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Jonesy - which was also the name of my recently deceased cat by the way.

Welcome Jonesy smiley - dontpanic the bravery award isn't for a life-threatening feat of bravery you've participated in (although you may have done many such things) it's for the life-changing step you've taken by dipping your toe into hootoo.smiley - applause

Well done. smiley - bubbly

You have presumably already been told that this place is incredibly sticky, almost impossible to leave (I've left twice already). So, while I hope you really enjoy your 4 weeks or so in this quaint and comfy corner of the beeb's very big online vault - I'm pretty sure you'll still be smiley - lurk at least 4 years from now.smiley - towel

I hope you find the answers to your questions (assuming you have questions) but believe me, around here the answers will be just what you least expect.smiley - goodluck

smiley - mouse

PS If anyone gives you any trouble just refer them to Lil and we'll have them in the Kangaroo Court before their feet can touch the ground.smiley - cheers

*leaves smiley - chocsmiley - cakesmiley - tea and a sprinking of smiley - magic*

The award for bravery goes to ..........

Post 2


What a welcome!
most appreciated (and my other rcently deceased cat wqas called Jones too)

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The award for bravery goes to ..........

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