This is the Message Centre for Zarniwoop

Welcome to H2G2 Zarniwoop

Post 1


Hallooo Zarniwoop,
Just thought I'd drop in and welcome you to H2G2. I'm Shadow, one of the Assistant Community Editor's here. We’re the volunteer welcoming committee, among other things. If you have any questions or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask. You can do so by either clicking on REPLY below or by clicking on my name above and leaving a message at my page If you're looking for a place to get started, the following is always a good spot There is also a handy quick reference guide at Have fun wandering the vast, twisted and myriad halls of this place. There's a LOT to do, see and comment on here and everyone's opinion(s) is welcome. So don't be afraid to jump right in and offer your view(s) on anything! smiley - smiley Don't get frustrated if you submitt an entry and don't hear from the Editorial staff, there's quite a long backlog and they're working as hard as they can to get it reduced. For some reason it seems to just keep growing, something to do with the huge number of people on H2G2 submitting entries, some on a daily basis and there being so few editors to proof read, grammatically and otherwise correct and edit the entries. But I'm not positive mind you, it may just be the three hour coffee breaks and four hour lunches, JUST KIDDING! smiley - winkeye
Welcome again,

Welcome to H2G2 Zarniwoop

Post 2


Thanks for the welcome, Shadow-
I looked forward to submitting entries to the guide, no matter how long it takes them to be corrected, because I do believe that in the end, it'll all be worth it. It already is a fantastic place to get information! I've been working on this guide entry about central massachusettes, which is where I live, so if you want to look at it, and leave a comment about it, I would greatly appreciate the input! Thanks, and keep in touch-

Welcome to H2G2 Zarniwoop

Post 3

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

Have you posted the entry yet? I'm also from Mass and would like to read it. Oh and welcome to The Guide, if I could be of any assistance I'd be more than happy to help. Enjoy smiley - smiley

Welcome to H2G2 Zarniwoop

Post 4


Yes, I've posted the entry; the link is on my homepage, under central massachusettes. I was origanally from Rutland, and now live in Holden. I would be VERY interested in what you think! Thank's for dropping by, and keep in touch!

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