This is the Message Centre for Zarniwoop

Hi there!

Post 1

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

Greetings, fellow researcher! My name is Big 'Evil' Dan, and I am an H2G2 Guardian Angel. If you need any help around here, don't be afraid to ask me, or any of the other Saints. (To get in touch, you can visit, visit my page by clicking on my name above, or just hitting reply). smiley - smiley

Here's where I'd enhance my copy and pasted message with some personalized stuff, but your introduction was a bit...blank. I'm sure you'll get something up there soon though. Just let me know when you do.

Other important links:

Newcomers Welcome Page

ACEs Homepage

H2G2 Quick Reference Guide (A large group of links)

Guardian Angels New Users Guide

Hi there!

Post 2


Hey, thanks Dan! I added some more stuff to my page, hehe-- when you checked it I was experimenting with editing it, and so I had left it empty for an hour or so. If you look at the forum messages I have posted, there is a question I asked Abi that hasn't been answered yet, and I was wondering if you could.

Hi there!

Post 3

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

I assume you mean the Approved vs. Unapproved entries question. I can answer that. (I assume Abi can as well, he just hasn't yet. smiley - winkeye)

When you first write a guide entry, it is not approved. It's just there for all to see. If you choose to submit it, it gets sent to the editors, who will take a look at it. If it meets h2g2's fine standards, it will be approved.

When an article is approved, researchers know it is reliable and well written. Somewhere on your page, there should be a link to the submission guidelines. If you read that, you can find out what it takes to get approved.

I hope this answers some of your questions.

Hi there!

Post 4


I understand it better now, but there is one more thing:
All the Approved entries I have seen are in certain categories (like under North America there is stuff about the US). If I submit an entry, will they decide where it goes?

Hi there!

Post 5

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

I'm fairly sure that they do.

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