This is the Message Centre for Bob Gone for good read the jornal


Post 1


Hi Bob,
I work with dyslexic and dyspraxic children. It is a frustrating condition which, unless people are aware of, can cause a lot of upset. There are a number of sites and programmes available to people like yourself. When I return to school, would you like me to get some self-help info for you?

There are a lot of famous people who suffer from dyslexia: Brian Conley, Suzannah York are just two who I can think of immediately.

It really is no barrier to writing, these days. Editors can see through the problem IF they are told beforehand.

Good luck, and let me know if you want any info.

mad lemur


Post 2

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

i know but after years of being told that dyslexia dosent exist and I am just thick it has meade me bitter and afride to trry..although I do enjoy writing and am ferly good at it (i think) my fear will always hold me back

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